

残疾学生服务 and Grievance Procedure In Accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation 行为 of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities 行为


取代: 2020年8月、2013年4月、2009年4月


蒙哥马利县社区学院 (the College) welcomes eligible students with disabilities and endorses the principles of nondiscrimination and reasonable accommodation as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation 行为 of 1973 (504) and, the Americans 残疾人法案. 学院的服务和住宿政策和程序 students with disabilities are designed to ensure equal opportunity to participate 在其教育计划、服务和活动中. 该政策提供了指导 to reasonably accommodate students with disabilities without compromising academic 标准和要求. 它还建立了申诉程序以及 报告违规行为的流程


The College prohibits discrimination against a person on the basis of 残疾 or who has a history or record of such impairment or is regarded as having such impairment 以及与残疾人有联系的人. 

学院设有残疾人服务办公室. 本办公室提供合理的住宿 requests as well as works with faculty and eligible students to ensure the implementation 这些请求中. 学院有一个504协调员处理申诉 reasonable accommodation decisions and allegations of discrimination on account of 残疾. 第504条协调员是公平,多样性和 属于在 504@walletyer.com.


To be eligible for services and reasonable 住宿, a student must meet the 以下标准:

  • 是504/ADA规定的残疾人
    A person with a 残疾 is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (for example, walking, seeing, (听力、思维、专注和学习). 存在一个实质性的限制 the manner, duration, or condition under which the activity is performed is significantly 和大多数人相比是有限的. 就高等教育而言,一个合格的 person with a 残疾 is one who, with or without accommodation, meets the standards for admission to or participation in an educational program, service, or activity. (Adapted from Subpart E: The Impact of Section 504 on Postsecondary Education, Association 高等教育与残疾.)
  • 提交相应的 文档 of a 残疾 that supports the need for services and 住宿 to the Office 残疾服务. 


Reasonable 住宿 are provided on a case-by-case basis for otherwise eligible students who disclose a 残疾 that causes significant functional limitations 在大学环境中. 住宿可能会因班级而异,这取决于 course content and format, and the College is not required to make an accommodation that substantially alters essential elements of a course or program or to implement 住宿追溯.. 这些住宿是为了补偿 effects of a 残疾 and provide the student with an equal opportunity to participate. Accommodations are intended to be effective and reasonable; they do not guarantee 成功. 残疾服务办公室确定适当的住宿 conjunction with the student and other college professionals, as appropriate, based 关于以下考虑:

  • Current substantial functional limitations caused by the condition 在大学环境中, 如文档所示
  • 学生对需求的描述
  • 课程和项目要求
    (Note: A prior history of 住宿 does not mean that the College will provide 类似的住宿.)  

The timeline for determining 住宿 is available on the Office of Disability 服务网页. 


The 残疾事务办公室 requires 文档 to confirm the existence of a disabling condition; to identify current deficits that cause limitations, preferably 在大学环境中; and to relate the current impact of the condition to the requested 住宿.

Complete guidelines for 残疾 文档 are available on the College’s web 网站和残疾人服务办公室.


学生披露残疾是自愿的. 所有有残疾的学生 seek an accommodation have the responsibility to identify themselves to the Office 残疾服务. 身份识别可能在录取过程中进行 或者在学生学习期间的任何时间. 学院认为与残疾有关 information as confidential material, and it will not become a part of a student’s 在学院的学习成绩. 这些信息将尽可能保密 在考虑住宿条件期间和之后. 这些信息将 在以下条件下释放:

  • 如果法律要求的话
  • 须经学生书面同意
  • 在需要知道的基础上


  1. If a student’s request for an accommodation is denied by the Office of Disability 服务部门,应遵循以下上诉程序:
    • 在拒绝后的五(5)个工作日内,学生必须提交一份 住宿申诉表格 to the Director of 股权,多样性, and 归属感/Section 504 Coordinator at (504@walletyer.com).
    • The Director of 股权,多样性, and 归属感/Section 504 Coordinator will respond 在三(3)个工作日内送达申诉. 如果局长不能 respond in a timely manner, the Director's designee will make a decision on the student’s 在三(3)个工作日内提出上诉.
  2. If an employee denies an accommodation that has been approved by the Office of Disability 服务部门,应遵循以下上诉程序:
    • 学生应该完成 住宿申诉表格 and 提交 to the 残疾事务办公室 within three (3) business days.
    • The 残疾事务办公室 will contact the employee within three (3) business days to arrange for the accommodation or to identify a reasonable alternative that 提供平等的机会和成功的机会.
    • If the 残疾事务办公室 cannot resolve the dispute, the Office of Disability 服务 will send the completed 住宿申诉表格 within one (1) business day to the Director of 股权,多样性, and 归属感, who will investigate the matter in accordance with the College’s 不歧视 政策 and respond with 三(3)个工作日内作出决定. 如果多元化,公平和 归属感 is not available to respond in a timely manner, the Director's designee will make a decision on the student’s appeal within the timeframed outlined above.


Complaints of 残疾 discrimination can be filed with the Director of Equity, 多样性和归属感 504@walletyer.com

有残疾歧视投诉的员工请参考 Equal 就业 Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities and Grievance Procedure 政策(6.5). 学院的学生行为准则.


学生 who believe that they may have been subjected to 残疾 discrimination, 可以向下列政府机构提出正式投诉吗. 使用学院的 complaint process does not prohibit a student from filing a complaint with these agencies.

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